Source code for pystratum_mysql.MySqlDataLayer

from time import gmtime, strftime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from mysql.connector import InterfaceError, MySQLConnection
from mysql.connector.cursor import MySQLCursor, MySQLCursorBuffered, MySQLCursorBufferedDict, MySQLCursorDict
from pystratum_middle.BulkHandler import BulkHandler
from pystratum_middle.exception.ResultException import ResultException

from pystratum_mysql.MySqlConnector import MySqlConnector

[docs]class MySqlDataLayer: """ Class for connecting to a MySQL instance and executing SQL statements. Also, a parent class for classes with static wrapper methods for executing stored procedures and functions. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, connector: MySqlConnector): """ Object constructor. """ self.__connector: MySqlConnector = connector """ The object for connecting to a MySQL instance. """ self._connection: Optional[MySQLConnection] = None """ The connection between Python and the MySQL instance. """ self.line_buffered: bool = True """ If True log messages from stored procedures with designation type 'log' are line buffered (Note: In python sys.stdout is buffered by default). """ self._last_sql: str = '' """ The last executed SQL statement. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """ Commits the current transaction. See """ self._connection.commit()
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[docs] def connect(self) -> None: """ Connects to a MySQL instance. See for a complete overview of all possible keys in config. """ self._connection = self.__connector.connect()
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[docs] def connect_if_not_alive(self) -> None: """ Connects or reconnects to the MySQL or MariaDB instance when Python is not (longer) connected to a MySQL or MariaDB instance. See for a complete overview of all possible keys in config. """ if not self.__connector.is_alive(): if self._connection: self._connection.close() self._connection = self.__connector.connect()
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[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """ Disconnects from the MySQL instance. See """ self._connection = None self.__connector.disconnect()
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[docs] def execute_multi(self, sql: str) -> None: """ Executes a multi query that does not select any rows. :param str sql: The SQL statements. """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursor(self._connection) for _ in cursor.execute(sql, multi=True): pass cursor.close()
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[docs] def execute_none(self, sql: str, *params) -> int: """ Executes a query that does not select any rows. Returns the number of affected rows. :param str sql: The SQL statement. :param iterable params: The values for the statement. :rtype: int """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursor(self._connection) cursor.execute(sql, params) rowcount = cursor.rowcount cursor.close() return rowcount
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[docs] def execute_rows(self, sql: str, *params) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Executes a query that selects 0 or more rows. Returns the selected rows (an empty list if no rows are selected). :param str sql: The SQL statement. :param iterable params: The arguments for the statement. :rtype: list[dict[str,*]] """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBufferedDict(self._connection) cursor.execute(sql, *params) ret = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return ret
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[docs] def execute_singleton1(self, sql: str, *params) -> Any: """ Executes SQL statement that selects 1 row with 1 column. Returns the value of the selected column. :param str sql: The SQL calling the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: *: """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBuffered(self._connection) cursor.execute(sql, params) rowcount = cursor.rowcount if rowcount == 1: ret = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: ret = None # Keep our IDE happy. cursor.close() if rowcount != 1: raise ResultException('1', rowcount, sql) return ret
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[docs] def execute_sp_bulk(self, bulk_handler: BulkHandler, sql: str, *params) -> int: """ Executes a stored routine with designation type "bulk". Returns the number of rows processed. :param BulkHandler bulk_handler: The bulk handler for processing the selected rows. :param str sql: The SQL statement for calling the stored routine. :param iterable params: The arguments for calling the stored routine. :rtype: int """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorDict(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) bulk_handler.start() rowcount = 0 for result in itr: for row in result: rowcount += 1 bulk_handler.row(row) cursor.close() bulk_handler.stop() return rowcount
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[docs] def execute_sp_log(self, sql: str, *params) -> int: """ Executes a stored routine with designation type "log". Returns the number of log messages. :param str sql: The SQL statement for calling the stored routine. :param iterable params: The arguments for calling the stored routine. :rtype: int """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBuffered(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) rowcount = 0 try: for result in itr: rows = result.fetchall() if rows is not None: stamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime()) for row in rows: print(stamp, end='') for field in row: print(' %s' % field, end='') print('', flush=self.line_buffered) rowcount += 1 except InterfaceError: pass cursor.close() return rowcount
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[docs] def execute_sp_multi(self, sql: str, *params) -> List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Executes a stored routine with designation type "multi". Returns a list of the result sets. :param str sql: The SQL statement for calling the stored routine. :param iterable params: The arguments for calling the stored routine. :rtype: list[list[dict[str,*]]] """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBufferedDict(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) results = [] try: for result in itr: results.append(result.fetchall()) except InterfaceError: pass cursor.close() return results
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[docs] def execute_sp_none(self, sql: str, *params) -> int: """ Executes a stored routine that does not select any rows. Returns the number of affected rows. :param str sql: The SQL calling the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: int """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursor(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) result = itr.__next__() rowcount = result.rowcount cursor.close() return rowcount
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[docs] def execute_sp_row0(self, sql: str, *params) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Executes a stored procedure that selects 0 or 1 row. Returns the selected row or None. :param str sql: The SQL call the the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: None|dict[str,*] """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBufferedDict(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) result = itr.__next__() rowcount = result.rowcount if rowcount == 1: ret = result.fetchone() else: ret = None itr.__next__() cursor.close() if not (rowcount == 0 or rowcount == 1): raise ResultException('0 or 1', rowcount, sql) return ret
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[docs] def execute_sp_row1(self, sql: str, *params) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Executes a stored procedure that selects 1 row. Returns the selected row. :param str sql: The SQL calling the the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: dict[str,*] """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBufferedDict(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) result = itr.__next__() rowcount = result.rowcount if rowcount == 1: ret = result.fetchone() else: ret = None # Keep our IDE happy. itr.__next__() cursor.close() if rowcount != 1: raise ResultException('1', rowcount, sql) return ret
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[docs] def execute_sp_rows(self, sql: str, *params) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Executes a stored procedure that selects 0 or more rows. Returns the selected rows (an empty list if no rows are selected). :param str sql: The SQL statement. :param iterable params: The arguments for the statement. :rtype: list[dict[str,*]] """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBufferedDict(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) ret = itr.__next__().fetchall() itr.__next__() cursor.close() return ret
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[docs] def execute_sp_singleton0(self, sql: str, *params) -> Any: """ Executes a stored procedure that selects 0 or 1 row with 1 column. Returns the value of selected column or None. :param str sql: The SQL calling the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: * """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBuffered(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) result = itr.__next__() rowcount = result.rowcount if rowcount == 1: ret = result.fetchone()[0] else: ret = None itr.__next__() cursor.close() if not (rowcount == 0 or rowcount == 1): raise ResultException('0 or 1', rowcount, sql) return ret
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[docs] def execute_sp_singleton1(self, sql: str, *params) -> Any: """ Executes a stored routine with designation type "table", i.e a stored routine that is expected to select 1 row with 1 column. :param str sql: The SQL calling the the stored procedure. :param iterable params: The arguments for the stored procedure. :rtype: * The value of the selected column. """ self._last_sql = sql cursor = MySQLCursorBuffered(self._connection) itr = cursor.execute(sql, params, multi=True) result = itr.__next__() rowcount = result.rowcount if rowcount == 1: ret = result.fetchone()[0] else: ret = None # Keep our IDE happy. itr.__next__() cursor.close() if rowcount != 1: raise ResultException('1', rowcount, sql) return ret
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[docs] def is_alive(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether Python is (still) connected to a MySQL or MariaDB instance. :rtype: bool """ return self.__connector.is_alive()
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[docs] def last_sql(self) -> str: """ Returns the last execute SQL statement. """ return self._last_sql
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[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: """ Rolls back the current transaction. See """ self._connection.rollback()
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[docs] def start_transaction(self, consistent_snapshot: bool = False, isolation_level: str = 'READ-COMMITTED', readonly: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: """ Starts a transaction. See :param bool consistent_snapshot: :param str isolation_level: :param bool readonly: """ self._connection.start_transaction(consistent_snapshot, isolation_level, readonly)
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